Innovative Concepts
Become a specialist contractor for large and small span steel structures
Welcome to the Space Structures Constructions
Our Vision and Mission
We are present in the Indonesian and global construction industry, providing innovative concepts for our clients, and are able to adapt to market developments
To be a trusted and reliable company for our various clients
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Our Specialization
Along with the development of Technology and Planning PT. Rangka Ruang Indonesia also applies several Structural and Architectural products including:
Component manufacturing and fabrication by experienced personnel and equipment
We create architectural and structural designs according to the client's expectations
With structural experts who are experienced in the field of space frames and other steel structures
Shop Drawing
Realizing design drawings into working drawings that are accurate and workable
Assembling & Errection
Supported by experts who are experienced in working on projects so that work can be carried out correctly and on time
If necessary, we can carry out maintenance, checking and repair work that has been carried out decades ago
Pemasangan di lapangan dengan didukung oleh tenaga ahli/ sumber daya manusia yang sudah berpengalaman selama 15 tahun sampai dengan 40 tahun dalam mengerjakan space frame baik itu tenaga ahli disain, engineering, produksi maupun proyek.
Tugu Nol KM Banjarmasin
BPKB Makassar
BPKP Medan
GOR Terpadu Bekasi
Stadion Lamongan
Membrane Ex Tanjung - Tenggarong
Jajaran Direksi
Jajaran pimpinan kami terdiri dari individu profesional berpengalaman yang berkomitmen untuk memberikan kepemimpinan strategis, inovasi, dan integritas tinggi. Dengan visi yang kuat dan kemampuan manajerial yang handal, mereka memandu tim kami dalam mencapai keberhasilan proyek serta memastikan kepuasan klien secara konsisten.
Tahroni Arifin
Direktur Utama
Yustina Supatmi, SH
Direktur SDM & Keuangan
Ir. Agus Setijadi
Direktur Marketing
Irwan Murdiansyah, ST
Direktur Teknik
Dwiwarno, ST
Direktur Proyek